Scholars Award

This distinguished award is given to those players and cheerleaders in fifth grade and above, having an exceptional grade point average, showing a desire to be the best in supporting football and a strong extra curricular activity schedule outside of SYFC. These students show that they are willing to work hard learning football plays and cheerleading moves but also work in local groups such as scouting, music, art, community service, and many other activities.
The board of directors is very pleased to have had these students selected to this high honor. To qualify for this award they have been ranked academically in the top 1% of approximately 200 children who take part in SYFC, Inc.
The SYFC Scholar Program requires a minimum 96.5% grade point average to apply for All-American status. After the applications have been processed, SYFC determines First Team All-Americans, Second Team All-Americans and Honorable Mention Scholars."
Proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0/70% or the equivalent shall be the minimum grade point average acceptable to even participate in SYFC.
AG Award